As I talk myself off the ledge of anxiety and worry for the 20 millionth time, given our current Covid-19 pandemic, I remind myself of God's countless blessings amidst the crazy. Maybe you have experienced anxiety as-of-late, too?
This makes me think of a talk I gave last winter in southern Ohio at a wonderful Mother/Daughter event. The event theme was 'Blessed Are They.' The message of this talk is so relevant as I fret about this new stay-at-home situation we all find ourselves. It provides such a good reminder of God's blessings, and encouragement to release my tight grip of perceived control (or more like my severe lack of control). I thought I'd share the video from the talk, in hopes you find encouragement, too.
Please excuse the fact that it's raw footage shot from a smartphone with no editing. With two little kiddos as my 'coworkers' these days, there is no time for professional editing (I'm also learning to let go of my desire for perfection before publishing. Pray for me! :)).
I pray the message provides you with encouragement. Sending lots of virtual hugs and hope from our home to yours!